1. Boston. Oy vey. So I thought Wakefield yesterday was a good pick. That was my first mistake. Then since I was not around Saturday, my whole team had to ride for today. I didnt even KNOW Schilling was pitching today. So at one point - my pitching is at 20. 10 minutes and 7 Seattle runs later, -2 ugh!
I know I have said it before, but I REALLY mean it today. Never again will I take Boston!!!! (Sorry DB - you were riding the Buffy Luck Train today)
2. Speaking of which - the old "Thank goodness I took opposite of Buffy" comments are getting REAAALLLLY old. I mean, you act like I am in last place or something!!!
3. Congrats to SC for moving ahead of FS. Guess he got tired of slumming it. Thankfully going into today's game, I was only less than 50 points behind FS. We'll see how it goes now.
4. Double Headers. Who here likes them? Ick, I don't. Same old thing. Everyone pretty much takes the same offensive players and usually one person gets lucky with that one exclusive player that has a good day. In this case, Pork got lucky with his "home team" strategy. All I know is THAT is the day I should have let the team ride. The next day I think I would have had about 4 guys hit homers! :rolleyes:
5. Good luck with your Smoking Cessation Program, Pork! Hey, we should all learn to pick our vices wisely and surely there are others which would be a lot more fun! And I can so see that you are a man who has his share of spit-swapping with the ladies but just think how much tongue you'll get now!!!!!
6. Did I hear right? That Big Daddy is playing with HIMSELF??? His report card should say "Doesn't play well with others". Of course he is bragging that he WOULD BE in 4th place. Like we would know that. In that case, I can say that Carmen Electra's body has nothing on the Buffster's!
7. For what it's worth, THIS girly layperson thinks that a HBP should be treated just like a walk. -1 pitcher, +1 batter.
8. Wonder if the amount of people who voted for the American Idol will get out and vote in the upcoming Presidential election? And DB- I agree with you about Ghetto-tasia. Though I am not one of her fans, she made "I Believe" sound like it was made for her. Radio-worthy already. She will have a decent future. At least 20 minutes to everyone else's 15.
9. Did anyone here notice that I placed 3rd overall in points in Week 7? . . . Noone? . . Well, I did. I thought maybe I was breaking out of my unlucky slump but now it appears I am barely beating out the two guys who quit whose team names are still out there. When is All-Star Break again?
10. What is it with TV censors? Ok, so I am watching a war movie on AMC. I hear about 10 "godamns" a minute and hear "ass", but they censor out "asshole". Now, I am not the most religious of people, but I think I would tend to be more offended by the blashemous terms than to hear some private calling his sergeant an asshole. I mean think about it, what is the difference between "ass" and "asshole" except for the context of speech it is being used? (Please understand that was a rhetorical question and I really don't want the asses and assholes being 'splained to me)
On that note....enjoy what is left of the holiday weekend. Party on Garth.
I have a tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve - I have a history of taking off my shirt.....