Funny, DB...I went to check the scoring summary for our pitching, and discovered that including yesterday you have 39 wins, not 40.
I guess I credited you with a win somewhere that was actually a loss.

Anyway, here's the breakdown:

                      PL   DB    PL Pts.   DB Pts.
Innings Pitched       588  592    1764      1776
Strikeouts            426  469     426       469
Wins                   38   39     190       195

Total Positive Points             2380      2440

Earned Runs Allowed   218  229    -654      -687
Hits Allowed          526  530    -526      -530
Walks Allowed         178  171    -178      -171

Total Negative Points            -1358     -1388

Total Points                      1022      1052
N.B. Our totals don't match the summary I posted on the other page because the totals above include yesterday.

"Difficult....not impossible"