yo - Yo - YO - Big Daddy in the House and giving a shout out to all my peeps.

So I have been gone abit and look at all I missed

DB is in first
PL vows to get back what is 'rightfully his' - that is 1st place in the 1st half
Pork making a late run
FS and Buffy in a battle
MC and the guy that quit in a battle
Even Crabby became an Aunt - Aunt Crabby

Although my team has dropped off, I noticed yesterday that I have a very slim margin of FS - literally a few points.

I should join for the home stretch, the last few games - give FS someone to battle in Da Buffster's absense. If he beats me out, but I stay tough I could maybe become his most worthy adversary.

Hope everyone had a good fourth - we were away down the shore, had some fireworks on the beach at night, even saw some earlier

Tough being back at work today though. And gettin back to business I see my Phils - the Fighting Phils took a game away from the Mets last night. Seems most of the NY'kers in this are Yankees fans not Mets fans. What makes one root for one and not the other ?

As you were Peeps.