Thursday Official Scores

Note: 3 additional points for PL, JG, and LD. Apparently the game site has a problem dealing with Newhan and Tim Raines Jr., each of whom had 3 points yesterday, in real time.
DB 4611  Fla (21) 39   4650  Boston
PL 4584  Fla (21) 41   4625  Boston
JG 4424  SD  (00) 10   4434  San Diego
FS 3942  Bos (26) 51   3993  Boston
LD 3897  Bos (26) 45   3942  Cincinnati
SC 3795  Bos (26) 69   3864  Boston
MC 3067  NYY (-7) 14   3081  Yankees
IM 3026  Bos (26) 40   3066  Boston
4 days to go

"Difficult....not impossible"