Originally posted by Don Sicilia: 10 Things I Think I Think (ala Peter King) 1 - Exciting race for 1st and 4th place. It will come down to the last day. Very weird.
Aside from our race, of course, the most exciting is the one between MC and a guy who's not playing to see if MC can stay out of the basement.
2 - What were the fans thinking putting Giambi in the starting lineup? The problem with unlimited internet voting 4 - I thought I wasn't playing DE-FENSE when I picked Boston today. Who did you think I'd be picking? 8 - 4 more days and one more half to go... Uggghhh. I disagree. I love this game :rolleyes:
10 - I still hate doubleheaders, despite the semi-strong showing in the last one. I disagree again. I love 'em. As a matter of fact, I could use a few more btween Friday and Sunday. Gives me more chances to catch up.
Meanwhile, I'm torn between trying to pull out a first half win with a bit of unpredictability these last few days, and trying to make what I think are the most sensible choices with an eye on the all-important Overall Points Championship.