Originally posted by plawrence: Yeah, it was a nice debut by the rookie. But there's still 80 days to go.
Couldn't just let him enjoy it for one day, could ya!! :p
Great job there, Rook! Or is he a rookie? Hmmmm... You've played this before, Neri?
OK, I was at the Cubbies game last night. Crowd went silent when Prior went out of the game. Sure, Rusch is a good fill-in every now and then, but c'mon, let's have all the starters healthy now.
Hey look, I'm ahead of plaw... Too bad I'm in 3rd to last place. Wow, that's basement territory. MC, the least you could have done was to tidy up the place during the All-Star break. Crabby, I think you left your "toys" here! :p
And oh yea, you're playing now??? Does that mean I lost one of my #1 fans?? That's OK, Buffy says she's my #1 fan and she's been playing this whole time. Just make sure to kick butt (but not mine! )