Some Questions Answered....

Can Bethie stay on top?
Sure, why not? "On Top" equals "In Control". Besides, she's a chick. We all know how unpredictable they are.

Will PL be happy as a sandwich?
No, not for long. He'd much rather be on top. But he doesn't mind looking behind him and seeing a pretty face or two instead of DB or JG.

How about LD? Is the "Buffy Pitching Curse" over?
What "Pitching Curse"? Ishii on the road came through for her last night. Who knows? We may have a catfight for first place. Mud wrestling, anyone?

Can MC keep it up?
You have to wonder. It's hard to stay up there for a whole weekend when you don't change your roster. And all that wine drinking doesn't make it any easier.

Is JG headed for another third place finish?
If he's lucky, yeah. But it looks like the competition might be a little stiffer this time around.

Is SC ever going do to better than a second division finish?
No, probably not. He's just an old softie. And it looks like he starting to wilt already.

What's wrong with DB?
Every man reaches a point in his life when the desire just isn't there anymore. When it's hard to get up for the game every single day. But DB's still a little young to be at that point. Besides, some new people to play with can sometimes spur a man to new heights. He'll be up there when the end of the season comes.

What happened to CB? He started off so well
Nothing really. He just got caught in a switch. Coupled with a night when he just couldn't seem to get any wood on the ball it added up to "poor performance". He'll get back up there, though.

Is this the end for FS?
Could be. The summer's in full swing, so there's grilling to do, freshly cut grass to smell, and flower baskets to hang. And, of course, those "special" lady friends to spend time with. If he doesn't get his priorities in order, he may find the next few months to be long and hard.

"Difficult....not impossible"