Bad news, JG. It seems as though the Cleveland PS scored only 13 on Friday, not 22. When I posted the "official" Friday scores yesterday morning. I can't say that I remember if I checked the game site, or just added the pitching staffs to the scores that you had put up in the post prior to mine. I usually do check, and perhaps I did yesterday and the Cleveland PS score was changed later in the day yesterday.
In any case, you lost 9 points in the deal (3 unearned runs became earned by a score's decision being changed??), and have 146 not 155.
JG 078 LA (14) 68 146 Oak
CC 118 Mil (07) 28 146 Bos
LD 091 Atl (25) 45 136 LA
PL 093 Mil (07) 41 134 Hou
MC 087 Phi (19) 41 128 Phi
CB 040 Min (36) 61 101 Bos
FS 037 SF (35) 61 098 Hou
DB 052 NYM (03) 44 096 Hou
SC 060 Fla (02) 22 082 Hou