Just testing you, Buffy. Glad to see you're paying attention.
If not Pokey, Boston has the two other utility INFs, Ricky Gutierez and Cesar Crespo. For some reason, I have a feeling that neither Bellhorn or Nomar is gonna play two today.
I have the same feeling about Garcia now, though, with the Bosox pitching a lefty in one of the games.
Baltimore's 2B, OF, DH picture seems to be a little muddled now, what with them trying to get playing time for Newhan now that Mora is back. But Newhan's a lefty also, so he may not play both, either.
Javy, Tejeda, Ramirez, Damon, and probably Ortiz, Palmiero and Mora are the only guys I'd bet play both games.
No one has all seven, but I have 6; JG and DB each have 5; CC has 4; LD, CB, and FS have 3; MC accidently has 1; and SC doesn't have any.