Originally posted by Don Sicilia:
10 Things I Think I Think (ala Peter King)

5 - I'm not feeling too confident about my team for tonight. I didn't spend more than two minutes picking a team.

6 - I just had my last golf lesson yesterday. ... but I know in the long run, it'll help.

10 - Any of you guys read any good books lately? I'm looking for my next read.
5. Today I spent almost 10 minutes...a record.
6. IN case the pro didn't emphasize this: There's two things us amateurs should do consistently, consciously everytime we go to hit a ball; 1. Check your grip and do it the same everytime. 2. Double check you alignment. How many times I hit an errant shot only to look down and see I was aligned wrong, or have someone say "you were pointing that way."
10. "The Jester" by James Patterson; interesting story, a little of everything; history, romance, conflict, adventure.
"Takedown" by Rick Cowan - good non-fiction account of an undercover cop infiltrating the mob in New York City's waste management business.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12