Originally posted by plawrence:
Not even a "thank you"?

That's the last time I do any book reviews for you.
Hold your horses, Mr. Law... I got on a conference call... :p

I want to thank you and everyone for their book suggestions/reviews. It sounds like you're an avid reader, plaw. I bet I'll like your suggestions - I think we analytically think the same way.

Buffy - Yes, I've seen Mystic River. I thought it was an excellent movie. Kind of depressing though. I'll look into the book.

MC - I'll go look up the reviews on your suggestions on Amazon.

Plaw - I think I'll pick up The Devil In The White City this weekend since it came so highly recommended.

As for what I've been reading lately, I've been trying to read more lately - The Da Vinci Code, The Sicilian, LOTR: The Fellowship of the Ring... mostly mainstream stuff. The book that I'm almost finishing now is fascinating (for me, at least)... The book is The Man Who Knew Infinity... It's a biography on an early 20th century mathematician, Srinavasa Ramanujan. For those of you who've seen Good Will Hunting, there's a scene where Robin Williams and the professor were in a bar discussing Will's genius. Anyway, the professor compared Will to Ramanujan, who, self-taught and with simple algebra books, proofed out some of the most original math in centuries. Groundbreaking stuff.

Yes, as you all know, I am, in fact, a nerd.