Originally posted by plawrence:
[quote][b]Now were did I leave my fishing pole?
Oh, do I have a great response for that one. But I'll keep quiet. :p [/b][/quote]Um, I wouldn't touch THAT one with a ten foot ---oh nevermind!

Hey, let them play with half-full rosters. Let them play a dead last team's shitty bullpen at Coors.

Let them take Florida in the last double-header (that Florida wasn't in) :rolleyes: I knew someone who did that once - poor sap - she would have a comfy 2nd place lead right now if not for her poor lapse in judgement and desire to do something dangerously different.

Sometimes, people are just too L-U-C-K-Y for their own good and it works out! Sometimes the stats don't always speak for themselves and sometimes people figure if they are not in the toilet one night, they are doing well.

I know I've got my game face on and a Porkster in my sights.

I have a tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve -
I have a history of taking off my shirt.....