PL 745  67  812  Milw   Sheets   9-8  2.58
LD 735  68  803  Cubs   Maddux  10-7  3.91
DB 733  58  791  Fla    Pavano  11-4  3.06
JG 752  05  757  SF     Schmidt 13-3  2.76
CB 695  54  749  Hstn   Oswalt  10-8  3.74
CC 675  48  723  Fla    Pavano  11-4  3.06
MC 660  45  705  Milw   Sheets   9-8  2.58
FS 629  58  687  W Sox  Garcia   8-9  3.27
SC 515  61  576  Fla    Pavano  11-4  3.06
Note: Despite what ESPN says in their rules, it does not appear as yet as if aadditional points were awarded as a result of the suspended Hstn-Cinn game.

"Difficult....not impossible"