First, we need to reach a consensus on what the below paragraph from the rules mean:
SUSPENDED/DELAYED GAMES A game is considered suspended when at least one pitch was thrown on the scheduled day of the game before play is stopped. When a game is suspended, the stats for the game will be displayed on the date that the game was originally scheduled. When the game is made up, the stats for the appropriate dates will be rerun to reflect the completion of the game and the effect on all team statistics. Even if the suspended game is completed as part of a double header at a later date the points will be credited to the original game date. A game is considered delayed when a pitch is never thrown on the scheduled day of the game. A game that is delayed will have its stats displayed on the day that the game is made up.
The above is not exactly what I would call well written, however I interpret it to mean that in cases when a player accumulates points in the suspended game that is completed at a later date, they're gonna go back and credit them to the scores on the date the game was originally played.
One of the ambiguities with the way it is written above, I think, is this phrase:
"When the game is made up..."
What it should say, if we are to assume that you get the additional points, is
"When the game is completed...
Anyway, should we decide that the additional points accumulated by players in that game after the game was suspended should count, and if ESPN does not credit those points, which would be contrary to our interpretation of the rules, then I think we should manually calculate those points, and credit them accordingly.
Edit I did the calculations...
JG: Everett (got all 3 points he's entitled to) LD: Bagwell (Bags scored 5, LD got credit for 3) DB: Dunn (Dunn scored 7, DB got credit for 6) CC: Kent (Got the 1 point she's entitled to) MC: Beltran (Beltran scored 4, MC got credit for 3) FS: LaRue, Kent, Pena (LaRue scored 3, FS got credit for none; Pena scored 2, FS got credit for none; FS did get credit for Kent's 1.)
So, if we need to add the points in ourselves, it's
LD +2 DB +1 MC +1 FS +5
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