No worries. I doubt if my post made sense the FIRST time around when I wrote it!
I think Olerud was not only in AAA - but he was RELEASED about a week ago. C'mon - you are a veteran!! Can't let that stuff happen! But still 49 points is respectable!
Is the Ass Commish deleting people's post now? Talk about abuse of power. I'd double dawg dare you to delete one of mine. I type faster then you. I'll just keep posting, and posting, and posting. You'll never get a minute to take your pee break.
The Olerud thing!! Why was there not an * next to his name. Am I supposed to be required to know everything about every single person who put on a uniform. Whatever happened to, "Just pick players without going over the cap. It's that simple"? Boy, were we ever bamboozled.
How about a little less questions and a lot more shut the hell up - Brian Griffin