Originally posted by La Dolce Vita: [quote]Originally posted by Don Sicilia: [b] It's great waking up everyday knowing that your team CANNOT and WILL NOT win this year!
Pullleeeeze. Niners will be LUCKY if they go 4-12.
Let's see...we can use a healthy QB, an RB, a couple of WR's, a decent kicker and oh, I could just go on, couldn't I?
I have tickets to the December 12 game in Phoenix. Even after last year's fiasco in OT, I can still hope that the Cardinals - NOT the Niners - are the worst team in the league! [/b][/quote]I had to look to see if I was in the Baseball thread. Yep, the Buffster has taken a foul ball to the cranium. 49rs talk already :rolleyes: .
Ya know down here at the bottom with SC we don't have the stress of figurin' and calculatin' and weather-watchin' and double-headerin'. We just sit back and wait for that magical moment when by pure coincidence or divine intervention we score 100 pts in one game and everyone else goes down the tidy bowl.
BTW, SC how's your golf picks comin' along? Too bad the Big Pee couldn't stick it out.
Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12