Originally posted by MaryCas: plaw says "The All-Important Battle For The Overall Points Title"
I'm still trying to figure out what's so important.
The splitting of a baseball season into two "halves" is an artificial device used by ESPN to give all the losers a fresh start and keep them interested, and possibly draw some new players into the game. Everyone knows that whoever finishes the entire season with the most points is the real champion.
As it's entirely possible for someone to finish second, third, or even lower in each of the two segments, and still come out on top in overall points, I would say that that person is the real champion. Just because they didn't happen to finish first in either artifical delineated "segment" shouldn't detract from their accomplishment.
I hope that answers your question.
Things I Don't Think I Think....I Think.
1. Fantasy Baseball doesn't affect world politics.[ How do we know that Dick Cheney isn't playing, and after a minus day in pitching he advises Dubya to invade Syria or something? 2. I found another example for obsessive compulsive behavior, well, close. You talkin' about me? 4. Women find me more attractive when I tell them that I'm a member of the Gangster BB. Mine finds me less attractive. She wishes that they never invented the internet. 5. Most people prefer amateur sports to professional. 'Ya think so? I don't see any college baseball fantasy games around. 6. Cigarettes will go the way of the passenger pigeon. I hope not 7. Derek Jeter will publicly announce that Alex Rodriguez was the cause of his early-season slump. Wasn't he? 8. The Giants will win the Super Bowl this season. That's Eli Manning they got, not Peyton. 9. George Steinbrenner will marry that Hilton girl.She's an heiress and doesn't need the Boss's money. No other way he could get a girl her age. 10. Crabby will win the All Important..whatever. It's the "All Important Overall Points Title".