Actually, I do have something to say (what a surprise)

In all of the above match-ups, two games of one of the players is better than one game of the other, regardless of who those players are.

So altho the matchup at catcher could certainly go either way (I'll even give Wilson the edge, altho there's always the chance that he might not play at all) if, as expected, Matheny only plays one game, there is a chance, albeit a tiny one, that Matheny could play two, or at least pick up an extra at bat or two as a subsitute or a pinch hitter. Edge DB

Castillo/Womack is the same story as Cameron/Burnitz yesterday. If they both play two games, Womack has the edge. But if one plays both, and the other only plays one, then the guy in both games has the advantage, and with these guys, who knows who will play two? Both teams have backups (Anderson & Hill) who get a fair amount of use. And the way Pittsburgh has so many guys who play different positions, it's always tough to figure out what their lineup will look like. Wigginton, Nunez, and Mackowiack also play second, so it's even a possibility that Castillo may not play at all. Edge DB

McCracken/Sierra could obviously go either way, but with the Yankees having the Bernie, Lofton, Sierra triumverate filling two spots (CF and DH), it's hard to figure who'll play, especially against a righthander (Ortiz). Against a lefty, you can be pretty sure that Lofton will be the one to sit, but against a righty it could be Sierra. McCracken has been playing every day, at least against righties. Edge PL

As far as Wilson/Cruz goes, I gotta figure Wilson has the edge. There's no reason to think he won't play both games, and even if he only plays one you gotta give him a big advantage over Cruz. Edge PL

"Difficult....not impossible"