Originally posted by Don Sicilia: Looks like I'm a lone wolf with Oakland today. I must have missed the "Pick Pittsburgh" memo today.
Funny that you wound up with Mulder. I figured Perez (especially vs. the hapless D. Backs, was a no-brainer.
Not like yesterday with Pedro, Zambrano, Sheets, Peavy, Clemens, Santana, and Hudson.
That raises a question in my mind. Do you think that 17 points out of first and given the sometimes wild fluctuations in pitching scores, that you are better or worse off having the same PS as I do?
If you were behind by a lot, or if was close but we were down to the wire, then obviously you wants a different PS, at least on days like yesterday when there are loads of viable options.
But being so close, with so much time to go, I would think you're better off with the same PS.
True, if you have a good day you could move into first, but with a bad day you could lose 25 points worth of ground.
It doesn't seem worth the risk at this point. I'd rather try to make up 17 points a few ata time.
Now, the same question could apply to me. Would I be better off with the same PS as you?
Answer: Yes. Even with such a small lead and so much time left, every opportunity that I can take away from you to gain points is a plus, albeit a small one, for me.