Originally posted by plawrence: Well, let's see......you called me a windbag once. OK, it's true, I'll give you that, but still.......
But Still ?
Originally posted by plawrence: Actually, I had FS in mind when I wrote the above. Even though it was directed at MC, he's been a gentleman until recently when he basically gave up.
Originally posted by plawrence:
As far as hurling insults at DB, JG, et al....They're seldom in first place, so if you want to insult the big dog on any given day, you have to move quickly to get to one of them. :p
:rolleyes: Come on, you know the real reason, but you keep telling yourself that this is the reason. spin it around and you will feel better about yourself.
Originally posted by plawrence:
And I don't take this game any more seriously or treat it with any more passion than DB or JG does. I'm just a little bit better at it.
Stop kidding yourself! There is a great difference between playing a game and being arrogant.
For as good as you are in this game, you lack good sportsmenship for ALL your fellow players not just DB or JG. In fact, many times you make the game less fun to be in. Some of us have no problem being near the bottom of the ranks and STILL having a great time playing. BUT you do. Maybe we handle life better at our age. Shit, it must be tuff to get old and cranky. Lighten up we are people too.
Originally posted by plawrence:
It's lonely at the top.
Maybe if you let the hot air out of yourself, you may just come down here from the clouds and be with the rest of us and join the REAL party.
Hey Bethie, Thanks for the heads up during the week. I really do appreciate it. It has been a busy time in so many ways here.
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CAUTION: This Post has not been approved by Don Cardi.
You really don't expect people to believe your shit do you?
Read: "The Daily Apple"- Telling America and the Gangster BB like it really is!