Originally posted by MaryCas: plaw, you have me all wrong!! I admire your guile, craftiness and 'passion' for the game. Like mine for golf. We all love to throw barbs at the guy on top. Isn't that the purpose of joining this game??
Ah....back pedaling already? :p
What about your insinuation that I'm "anal retentive" (true, but still.....). :rolleyes:
The purpose of the game is to WIN.
That's W-I-N.
You're starting to sound like someone else around here, who shall remain nameless (FS knows who he is). Doesn't play to win, just plays for the "fun" of it. (But at least you're having fun, even if you are making a travesty of a mockery of a mockery of a travesty of the game by going with the entire roster of one of the worst teams in baseball. The ESPN Fantasy Baseball Gods are spinning in their graves)
That's the refrain of those on the bottom. Ask DB or JG if they're playing for the fun of it, or to win. They'll tell 'ya. Sure, it's supposed to be fun. If it wasn't, none of use would play.
But you can't tell me, to paraphrase Lyndon Johnson, that you'd rather be outside the tent pissing in, then inside the tent pissing out.