Originally posted by plawrence: ... allow me be the first to offer my congratulatons to DB, my Most Worthy Adversary, on his ascension to first place.
Thanks plaw!
1) It's lonely at the top. You may want to consider that you're more comfortable in second place.
Thanks for the tip. I was getting used to my chair in 2nd place, but you've got a bigger TV over here.
2) If you drop back down to second, there's no chance that you will choke like you did in the first half, and blow the win the last few days.
Won't happen. Uh uh. No way.
3) There are still 35 days to go, and my comeback starts tonight, so kindly do not rearrange the furniture in the penthouse just yet.
Oops, I already have. Instead of a couch, I've put in a hot tub so they can start filming Blind Date right here in the apartment.
4) My manual with strategy tips, which now runs over 600 pages, was a little to heavy to carry. Just leave it in the top drawer of the desk. Don't bother reading it, though. There's very little in there that you don't already know.
This is all very interesting reading. I especially liked your tips on page 4 about...
Oops, sorry... Dozed off for a second there. :p
5) The maid comes in today. If she's surprised that I'm not there, just tell her you're watching the place for me for a few days and that I'll be back.
I didn't know your maid was Tiger's swedish nanny girlfriend.
6) Feel free to enjoy my collection of Bill James books, my MacMillan Encyclopedia, and my 33 consecutive issues of "Who's Who In Baseball". Please note, however, that the "Who's Who" collection is in anal-retentive chronological order, and I would appreciate finding it that way when I get back.
I also like how you alphabetize your porn. All the way from Alice Does Wonderland to Zoo Life.
7) The wine rack is full, and the wine glasses are in the kitchen cabinet above the sink. Most of the bottles still have their prices on them. Feel free to imbibe, but nothing over $12.00, please.
No alcohol for me, thanks. Gotta keep the eyes steady.
8) My "Devil Suit" is in the hall closet. I don't think you'll be needing that, unless you're planning to make some kind of deal that involves you winning and the Cubs not making the wild card.
OK, I get the Devil Suit, but what's the French Maid outfit for??? Strangely enough, the two outfits are the same size. :p
... My pitchfork is there also, though, and it sometimes comes in handy for shoveling out some of the shit that people throw at the occupant of the penthouse. Of course in your case they'll probably be throwing bouquets of flowers. Tell the doorman you're expecting some deliveries and he'll hold them for you at the front desk.
Don't forget that I get panties thrown at me too.
9) There's one cute chick in the building, who lives on a lower floor. She used to be a cheerleader, and has a great set of pom-poms.....
Amen to pom poms.
10) Don't bother to unpack. My comeback starts tonight.
I'm scared, really. I know you'll be doing extra extra research so you can take back...