I'm back home after a short, unexpected jaunt out of town and for those who are asking - yes, I deleted my team - didn't think it was fair for Pork, et al to keep figuring in my scores when I wasn't even playing. Hey, sometimes life throws you some really big potholes in the road and you have to do more than slow down the car, you have to actually stop and assess the damage which pretty much takes you out of the race.

That is okay. There is always next year.

Glad to see you are in 1st DB!! Hang it there, I am rooting for you (when I can't root for myself!).

And strangely enough - I LIKE that Kiss poster. Only my opinion but I much prefer women in skimpy white cotton than frilly maid costumes.

I have a tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve -
I have a history of taking off my shirt.....