I don't know, FS.......

Either you have trouble reading or trouble writing :p Or both.

You said:
I am not staying up all hours or getting up in the middle of the night to see what has changed.

I asked:
Would you feel the same way if you were battling for one of the top spots, though?

You answered:
Of course it wouldn't. I haven't stopped playing even if I am down in the basement

Nowhere do I suggest that you've "stopped playing". Clearly, you haven't. All I'm asking is:

Does "it wouldn't" mean that it wouldn't make any difference, i.e. you would play the game the same way even if you were battling for first place?

Or, does it wouldn't mean that you wouldn't play the game the same way if you were battling for first?

"It wouldn't" implies that it wouldn't make any difference.

"I wouldn't" implies that it would.

I phrased the question "Would you...?, for which I expected an answer that began in the first person.

I did not phrase the question "Would it...?"

But you answered as if I had, which is what is creating the confusion.

You also asked:
Where in the world does my statement say that I don't give a shit?
Answer: When you said "screw it"

And as far as this brilliant statement goes:
It really must be tuff to be you and have that negative mind ALL the time. Remember you are the 55 years old who's life soley revoles around Games....
I think most would agree with me about who around here has the negative mind. Rarely, if ever, do you have anything of a positive nature to say. Rather, most of your posts seem to simply criticize others.

And to say that my life revolves "solely around games"......Please.

And now if you don't mind, I have to excuse myself.
Somehow DB picked Berroa today and he has 19 friggin' points already.

"Difficult....not impossible"