Originally posted by fathersson: Sorry Pee. Let me try and make this real clear.
I would NOT let this game take control of the way I live no matter what position I was in. Even if I was in first place for many weeks would I let a Fantasy game run my life.
A game would NOT have me getting up in the middle of the night checking on things to see if things had changed since I went to bed. (Even if I were in first place.)
I would not leave a nice time out with friends and / or family because I have to go do a Fantasy team.
If I found myself worrying about the game more then real things in my life I would start to wonder if I need some help. I would not cry if I missed a double header. I may joke about it, but if I found myself feeling bad about it, I think it would show me that I have a problem.
Pee, if you have seen your mood really change over this game, you know not just once but often. If this game sets or changes your mood on daily basis, if you think about this game while you are doing other things away from it. Then I would start to worry if I were you.
Fantasy withdrwal?
Thank you for the clarification.
Now allow me to make a few things clear:
--This game, in no way, shape, or form, runs my life. I'm sure I devote more or less the same amount of time to it as the other two players here (JG & DB) who take it as seriously as I do.
--Let's not put the cart before the horse. I usually wake up in the middle of the night anyway. Some nights I don't. I'm not setting an alarm clock or anything. But as long as I'm up anyway, I check my fantasy team, check my e-mails, check the BB here, smoke a cigarette, have a drink, and take care of the reason why I woke up in the middle of the night in the first place.
--I do not worry about this game more than I worry about things in real life. As a matter of fact, I consider this game to be a healthy escape from the things that I worry about in real life.
--Why shouldn't I feel badly if I miss a doubleheader? You're a poker player. You play to win, don't you? I'm sure you feel badly when in a seven card stud game you start off with wired trips and someone beats you by catching an inside straight on the last card and you don't fill up. Or even in a game which you don't play for money, you certainly must feel badly when you make a mistake. Or maybe you're just not competitive. Nothing wrong with that. But I am competitive, and there's nothing wrong with that, either.
--I have never left a "nice time" with friends and/or family because I had to pick my fantasy team. You have 24 hours to pick a team each day, and I plan accordingly.
--This game does not "change or set" my mood, and I rarely think about it unless I'm picking my team or talking about it here.
And I still don't believe that you would play it the same way if you had a shot to win. I believe that you wouldn't wake up in the middle of the night for it, but I do think you would take it more seriously.