PL vs. DB: Bako vs. Mirabeli Lowell vs. Ramirez Cabrera vs. Sosa LeCroy vs. Sierra
JG vs. CC: LoDuca vs. Martinez Easley vs. Macias
FS vs. SC: Hall vs. Posada Castillo vs. Grudzielanek Alou vs. Conine Easley vs. Pickering ---------------------------
Welcome to the game, DonMichaelCorleone.
Hope you prove to be a competitive player, as DB and I both feel that the competition around here is pretty weak.
You're off to a bad start though, missing a doubleheader on your first day. :rolleyes:
Good luck, have fun, post any questions, and start getting ready for basketball. -------------------- 14 days to go. [/b]
Thanks Plaw, I won't be competitive probably til the last week of the season. I'm not used to having unlimited trades (I'm used to picking who will be best over a stretch of time rather than just that next game so it will take me a few days to get used to) Basketball is more of my sport though so I will definitly be competitive for that one all season.