Originally posted by DonMichaelCorleone: Relax man,
I figured he'd be able to figure that out when he sees he got no points for Randy Johnson.
You relax, man :rolleyes:
I'm trying to help you.
In this particular case, you're right. JG would see that he was holding his Johnson for nothing.
But....If he had one hitter from Colorado, let's say, and the DH was scheduled for tomorrow, let's say, and he already picked his team for tomorrow, let's say, and he went out and got drunk tonight (not such an unusual event), let's say, and got home and checked his score and didn't realize that the game was postponed and din't chnage his lineup......
Believe me, I'm not worried about DB, the guy who's chasing me, missing any DH's.
As a matter of fact, I want him to know, so he can't use a missed-last-minute doubleheader as an excuse for losing again.
But let's be fair to everyone else. Some pay more attention than others. Sure, JG would have known after getting no points from Johnson, but some of the other cellar dwellers might have missed it.