Oh Lord, are we going to start this again?? :rolleyes:
Let me just finish the rest of this converation, just to save us the trouble...
FS reply to Plaw: No, Im playing more harder because its fun. No doubleheaders to ruin my fun, its no fun picking the same players that everyone else will. Also, the dam bowling alley was closed for asbestos removal.
Plaw: You still didn't answer my question, FS. You are playing harder because you want to catch SC. Back me up on this, MWA.
FS: Pee, pee, pee... When can an old dog learn new tricks? Why dont you just think about it on your next pee break? If I was in 8th place or in 1st, I'd be doing the same thing. I would look every night within itself, by itself, and if its within me to catch a break, I'd do it.