Friday Scores & Saturday Probables

PL 3723   Minn (28) 51   3774   SanD  Eaton    11-13  4.69 
DB 3665   Minn (28) 44   3709   Cubs  Prior     6-4   4.59
JG 3492   Minn (28) 44   3536   Colo  Kennedy   9-6   3.46
CC 3451   Minn (28) 49   3500   LA    Lima     13-5   4.06
FS 3158   Minn (28) 52   3210   Pitt  Williams  2-1   3.64 
SC 3065   Hstn (43) 67   3132   Fla   Pavano   17-7   3.11
CB 2881   Oak  (21) 72   2953   Oak   Redman   11-12  4.81
MC 2615   NYY  (16) 46   2661   NYY   Vazquez  14-10  4.77
DM 0160   Minn (28) 49   0209   Cubs
Today is the first time this season, if I'm not mistaken, that the "original eight" of us all picked a different pitching staff.

9 days to go.....

"Difficult....not impossible"