I could say how I really don't see anyone on Atlanta playing two games today (true), and how I see only Wright playing both games for the Mets (also true), but it would be kinda tough for me to explain away not taking Atlanta's PS
What happened was this (If you don't care, you can stop reading here):
I'm in the city yesterday (Manhattan, NYC to you out-of-towners) about 3:00 PM and my car doesn't start. Clearly, the problem was the battery (no lights, power windows, etc.).
So I call AAA, the guy comes and gives me a boost, tells me there is nothing wrong with the battery, just some gunk and corrosion on the terminals, and that I should pour some cocoa-cola on them to dissolve the crap.
So I do, and of course that doesn't work and the car doesn't start again, so I call AAA and a different guy comes back.
He tells me to drive around for 15 minutes or so to charge the battery, and everything will be fine.
So I do, and it wasn't. The car doesn't start again, and I call AAA for a third time.
So a third guy comes and gives me a boost. By now it's dark though, and the second I turn my lights on, the battery dies.
"Ah" this genius says. "An electrical problem. Just drive home without any lights on, and you'll be fine."
So I start heading for the Lincoln Tunnel (connects NY & NJ), and just outside the tunnel the car dies again.
Someone comes from the tunnel emergency repair squad or whatever they call it, and pushes me through the tunnel and into a gas station on the Jersey side. A gas station that doesn't do repairs, though.
So I call AAA yet again, this time for a tow truck to get me and my car home.
Well, with all the waiting for AAA four times, I finally get home at around 9:00 PM, not having had dinner yet, but just in time for Monday Night Football.
Now, I had a lot riding on last night's Monday nighter. A 16 point lead on the Ragging Bullshitter, but he has Eddie George and Keyshawn going, so of course I'm interested in the game.
I put the game on, fix something to eat, open a bottle of wine and make myself comfortable on the couch to start watching and eating.
Trouble is, at 10:00 PM, after a few glasses of wine and an aggrevating day, it wasn't long before I was stretched out on the couch and in dreamland, not to awaken until well after 3:00.