Do you remember an old tv show called "Make That Spare"? It was a 10 minute show on Friday nights just before 11:00 p.m. and was televised from Neptune Lanes (where Emmons Avenue becomes Neptune Avenue). They had 2 lanes set aside for the show, and the gutters were painted black. The premise of the show was for a bowler to try to make different spares (ie. the 7-10 split), and if he was successful he'd win $10 (or something like that).
Andy Varippapa used to appear on the show occasionally.
Andy Varipappa was the short guy with the kinky hair who used to make those trick shots, right?
It used to be on Friday nights, after Gilette's "The ...Fight...Of...The...Week". That show started at 10:00, but a ten round fight with a minute in between each round usually ended around 10:45 or 10:50 or so.
The winner got to go for the "Big Prize" spare, the 3-4-7-10.
I didn't know it was done at Neptune Lanes, though.