I thought I'd review my predictions for the second half...
Originally posted by plawrence: [b]SECOND HALF PREDICTIONS
PL: Snatched a first half victory from the jaws of defeat with a thrilling Thursday-Saturday comeback. Last years's first half and overall points winner, he's proved that it was no fluke, and it's become even clearer that he's the class of this field now that he's done it again. The only question is his performance in second halves. Vows not to ease off the gas this time, though, so he's got to be the second half favorite. Prediction: First Odds: 2-1 --------------------
DB:: Has won two second halves (Baseball and Basketball) in a row, but you have to wonder if his late first half collapse will affect him psychologically, although the betting here is that it won't affect the man with ice water in his veins. After nearly winning the first half, you have to figure him for no worse than a strong second, as he remains PL's Most Worthy Adversary. Prediction: Second Odds: 12-5 ---------------------
JG: The only other player in the game who would seem to have a shot at winning. Was only 89 points out of first after the all-important Yanks-Mets doubleheader, before goiing into a nosedive. Still, had the best 7 day total all season and was scorching hot for about a three week stretch Clearly, if he could develop some consistency he could be dangerous. Hasn't proven That he's in the class of the top two, though, but should be the best of the rest. Prediction: Third Odds: 3-1 --------------------
LD: Is there a "Buffy Pitching Curse"? Great on offense, never got her pitching untracked except for one 30 day stretch. Still, had fourth place within reach before her late season tailspin. Probably the most disappointing performance of the first half, as she finished fifth behind FS. With no vacations scheduled, should comeback in the second half, though, and it wouldn't be a big surprise if she nosed out JG for third. Prediction: Fourth Odds: 6-1 --------------------
FS: The biggest surprise of the first half. Predicted by many that he would lose interest quickly once the grilling, grass cutting, and basket hanging seasons got into full swing, Mr. Fun-damentals, the man who doesn't play to win, stayed the course for an amazing fourth place finish, beating out the more experienced LD in the final weeks. Is he for real, or was it a fluke? Has to show that he can do it again to be taken seriously. Prediction: Fifth Odds: 10-1 --------------------
BE: Along with the newbie, the toughest player to figure. Has experience and knows the game, but who knows? Can be moody, and sometimes disappears for long stretches. If she stays with it all season, she could finish as high as third or fourth. On the other hand, it wouldn't be a major surprise if she finished seventh or eighth, either. Prediction: Sixth Odds: 15-1 --------------------
SC: What's with this guy? Seems to be into the game, as his occasional posting of morning scores would indicate. Plus, he's at least a 40 year baseball fan, so lack of knowledge can't be the problem. Looks like he just doesn't pay attention, as he missed doubleheaders like crazy and had some days when he simply failed to change his team. Could dangerous if he gave 100%, but after three straight disppointing finshes, it's hard to see that happening. Prediction: Seventh Odds: 20-1 --------------------
CB: With no track record here, it's tough to figure where to put him. Says that "I live and die by this fantasy baseball stuff", so that's a good sign, and he certainly follows the game closely, as indicated by his knowing that Eric Chavez and Magglio Ordonez would both be back in their respective starting lineups. But like most rookies will probably miss some days and make some costly mistakes. Of course we were all rookies last year (except for JG) and we all caught on pretty quickly, so who knows? Can't see him beating any of the top three, though, but I have a feeling this rookie could be one to pose a threat. Prediction: Eighth Odds: 25-1 --------------------
MC: First half Rookie Of The Year by default, he barely beat out the non-playing IM for seventh. Paid little or no attention to the game, missing double headers and failing to change his team on most Mondays, which is key when teams have off-days. Has shown no indication whatsoever that he plans to play more seriously in the second half, so it's impossible to see him moving out of the basement. Prediction: Ninth Odds: 150-1 [/b]
I nailed the top three, but that wasn't really too difficult.
Buffy, my predicted fourth place finisher, dropped out, and I can't help that, but if memory serves, she was around fourth place when she left.
Flip-flop CC and FS, and I had the rest of it correct.
So, DB, when are you gonna come out with the second half awards?