Your analysis was pretty much dead-on, Plaw. And had I not been so rushed for time, I too would've thought it out better (tho I did load up on Yanks, just assuming...)
The old ESPN post-season game was basically "build a team and ride it out" without ANY changes whatsoever. And you had to pay for that SIAFI team (with a discount for 5 teams), and it wasn't even interactive (fun). Yet I played 5 scenarios, and screwed up every single one! It was 2002, and the Yanks were eliminated. I didn't predict the winners. My "pot luck" team of players from all over was my best, and I only managed a 48.12%ile. I was "gonna do better the next year" but they didn't have the game again -- I guess too many complaints for a pay-game or something. But the strategy is basically the same.
This one is "interesting" but I cannot imagine playing such a game, with 2 trades/week. At least for the regular season, fuggedaboutit! It's also a bit retarded that you can't see all the available players without using a trade (that I can see). Selling someone off and not seeing what's out there?? Stoopid!
I'm gonna ride this one out -- and perhaps play next post season -- but don't anticipate playing any similiar TSN games if this is how they work.
I studied Italian for 2 semesters. Not once was a "C" pronounced as a "G", and never was a trailing "I" ignored! And I'm from Jersey! lol
Whaddaya want me to do? Whack a guy? Off a guy? Whack off a guy?--Peter Griffin