Originally posted by J Geoff:
Just remembered I needed to do this:

PL managed to win ONE week (and tied two others) in the second half, and still squeaked it out.
You're overestimating the importance of winning a week. If the week ran, I dunno, Wednesday to Tuesday or something, the results might have been different with respect to who won how many weeks.

Consistency is the key. Out of 11 weeks I won or tied for first 3 times, finished second or tied for second 6 times, and finished third (by only 2 points) one time.

DB won a league-leading FOUR weeks of the 11, and couldn't hold on.
Hold on to what? I was in first place for like the entire last five weeks. Oh, he came close a few times, but every time he did, I pulled away. And in the four weeks he won, he beat me by a total of only 86 points.

In fact, except for week 21, the diference between us was never more than 41 points in any one week. I didn't look, but I'd bet that there weren't two other players in our league who, if you compared their scores, were as close as he and I were every week.

DMC may kick all our asses if he plays next year. No more PL/DB/JG Top Three if DM's last week is any indication.
If you believe that one, I got a bridge to sell 'ya. How much can this kid know about baseball? He's the one who asked if a starting pitcher had to go a minimum number of innings to be charged with a loss. :rolleyes: No way he cracks the top three.

MC is the only one who didn't win a week this segment. He should stick with golf, even tho he's losing that, too.
Golf.....a stoopid-a-fockin' game

Buffy was missed this second half.
She's the only one who could crack the top three.

"Difficult....not impossible"