I don't care to understand it, just as you probably don't care about American football. I'm assuming you're not American. I've watched many games of soccer, and kicking it back and forth without strategy... to only score 1 or 2 points seems like a complete waste of the other 70 minutes of the game.

Football has waaaaaaaaay more strategy than soccer. The amount of points has nothing to do with it, it's a different game. A touchdown and PA is worth 7 anyway, so if it was 1 there'd be football scores of 2-4 or something like that usually. Besides, look at the monster playbooks and all the plays, formations, offensive and defensive, special teams all the different positions! Football has way more strategy than soccer... soccer is about the same as basketball in regards to strategy.

Plus, action. Americans in general are more physical than Europeans, so we really like a game that sees hard slams, instead of just guys in really high shorts knocking a ball around to eachother.

"Today I settled all family business, so don't tell me you're innocent, Carlo-" Michael Corleone

"I punks ed i gruppi ed i rappers moderni hanno avuti timore migliore il sole aumentante di questa cosa di il nostro."