Random Thoughts after the Chaotic Super Bowl XXXIX:

*Goombah, like your Browns could be any worse than it was under "Butch" David.

*Anyway, I think Crennel should be decent, and same with Mr. Weis over at Notre Dame...that is if the alums ALLOW the sucker to do his job, unlike what happened to his predecessor. Hell, I would cry that the Browns had Bellichick...too bad he got canned by that as*hole of an owner that moved the Browns over to Baltimore.

*Actually, McNabb had a TERRIFIC game in terms of statistics.....despite his 3 picks, he would have been possible the game's MVP if the Eagles had won.

*Speaking of which, I applaud "T.O." himself. He went from what I assumed to be a leg-hampered useless stint like Randy Moss was a couple of weeks ago to quite a good performance. Really, Terrell Owens may be a dick, but at least he delivers what he orders....

*Unlike Freddie Mitchell. 1 catch??!!? Man, now I remember what you promised to show Rodney Harrison yesterday......your mediocre-as-hell career. Fudget bout it!

*While Tom Brady(again :rolleyes: ) had a great game, Deion Branch totally deserved the Super Bowl XXXIX MVP trophy. Wait to go...whatever your name is.

*Here is my questions: Will the Patriots win the Super Bowl again next year? Also, how long until Mr. Bellichick hangs up that nasty old grey sweatshirt for good???

*"Now its starting to get boring". RaggingBull2003, I should smack you silly. What we are seeing will become absolute myth and legendary decades from now like the 1960's Packers, 70's Dolphins and Steelers, 80's 49ers, the Dallas Cowboys of the 1990s, and now the New England Patriots of the new millenium.

Though some of the fans of the Patriots should savor this while they can before they become absolutely crappy again. Just ask your local 49ers or Dolphins fan.....*ronnierocketAGO gets on his knees and cries like a little girl. 1972!!!*

*Man the commercials this year for the Super Bowl S-U-C-K-E-D. The only commercials I remember were the TV spots for WAR OF THE WORLDS and BATMAN BEGINS, both which should be decent at the very worst. Now BE COOL might be fun....though I guess the redneck wrestling fanbase is already fuming how "The Rock" is playing a gay bodyguard.

*At least "Sir" Paul McCartney didn't have a warddrobe malfunction. Probably the first time I actually part of the Super Bowl Halftime show since U2's gig a few years back. Of course the recently inducted into the Rock N Roll Hall of Fame U2 and McCartney both had what Timberlake and Janet Jackson lacked: Talent. Of course, would we even remember who Janet Jackson was if it wasn't for that "malfunction"?

*If the game was graded by letters, I give it a B-.