              MC Predicts	5/1/2005
	        W	L	W	L
Randy Johnson	9	8	2	2
Mike Mussina	14	7	1	2
Kevin Brown	1	3	0	3
Carl Pavano	16	10	2	2
Jaret Wright	10	11	2	2
	Totals  50	39	7	11
Bullpen/Others	32	41	3	4
Totals	        82	80	10	15

Kevin Brown is tracking nicely; just needs a win.  
I'm worried that Mussina is not going to turn it around.  
Tom "Blown" Gordon is having an interesting start.
[ Fixed formatting --JG ]

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12