Bullshit. I tell you how you fix the Yankees without this movement:

1.) Fire Kevin Brown, and bring up Sean Henn or another Yankee prospect.

2.) Fire Jason Giambi since he can't hit a baseball with or without steroids.

3.) Move Bubba Crosby to center field. Retain Matsui and Sheffield at current positions.

4.) Find a reliable second baseman. I don't care if it's Andy Phillips, Rey Sanchez, Tony Womack, or another minor leaguer.

5.) Figure out what happens during batting practice with Don Mattingly. I don't see how someone like Donny Baseball can turn an order that (on paper) could arguably rival Murderer's Row and have them hitting only 2, 3 hits a game for the entire team.

6.) Evaluate the bullpen, and let's see who we have from Columbus that can step up and who will be sent down. There isn't much room for discussion here.

7.) Leave either Ruben Sierra or Bernie Williams as the DH (until they are both healthy). See #2 for Giambi.