nice article ronnie! I believe Johnny Damon is among the top 10 players in the majors.

now today's game was also nice! I'm not a Red Sox die-hard fan, but I really like their team these past years and I really love to see them beat the Evil Empire. now you Yankee-fans don't get me wrong (is not personal ) but isn't this year's team the weakest you've rooted for in a long time? no pitching, no hitting, no bullpen, no emotion. - of course, they can just beat the Red Sox tomorrow, start the so-announced "comeback" and win it all, then what will I say? right now though, I don't see how the Yanks could beat the Red Sox in a playoff series, if they get to the playoffs at all.

"I'm just a humble motherfucker with a big ass dick"
The Bunk