If one is to lie Irishman, at least make a competent attempt at it.

Me, and I bet DA as well, are pissed still as Marlins fans over the infamous FireSale of 1997, as well the recent firesale, and fucking nightmares I have of them moving to friggin Las Vegas. Hopefully the Fish get that damn new stadium quite soon.

Fact is, that is me being annoyed with some franchise event that didn't involve friggin competition.

Really Irish, you still don't resent being humiliated at home....in Game 6...to the Marlins....to a pitcher that I believe only had 3/4 days of rest? Better yet, losing to a franchise that spent at least $100 million less than your Yanks did?

Fuck, I would still be angry over that if I was a fan. Sure I would get over it over time, but dammit it would still eat away at me. That is why I don't believe you either that the Yanks being beaten in four straight games....after winning the first three...to the archnemesis Boston RedSox...doesn't bother you.

As for Roger Clemens, what the fuck does he have to prove to you? He's a fucking freak of nature that we'll be telling our grandchildren, possibly the greatest pitcher of the last 50 years who even last year was a finalist for yet another Cy Young trophy, despite being an old man.

So you got pissy that he left the Yankees. Big deal. How about you get over it?

Dammit Irishman, this proves again what I always knew about you. I may have problems with JJ many times(just check out that recent "Retirement" thread in the main room), but at least he is logical and rational in the sports department.

However, you are just a damn punk kid in the body of a college graduate.

Respect due is respect earned, no matter where, when, or who. Even Alex Rodriguez's pretty great MVP season last year or Rivera being worthy of the Hall of Fame. Team partisanship clouds judgment.