Originally posted by Double-J:
Fuck Roger Clemens, at least from a Yankee fans perspective. I'd take Pettitte back in a heartbeat, but Clemens can rot, as far as I'm concerned.
I'm upset over the fact that Andy left. However, it was probably for the best. In 2004, his first year with the Ass-tros (sorry I had to steal that, I like it too much), he only started 15 games. Last year he did bounce back but he's never been the Yankees Andy Pettitte in Houston luckily. Also, after this year he'll be 34 and he's gonna be coming up on the downside of his career pretty soon I think. As you said, if the Yanks are smart they'll go for youth and pass on Andy come next offseason.

BTW, what's going on in the 2006 baseball games discussion?