I disagree he wouldn't have signed Damon. I think if you look at the Yankees and the Red Sox from 2003 to now and you will see that the Red Sox are planning for the future and the Yankees aren't. Time after time the Yankees have gone out and gotten overpaid players that are getting towards the end of their career. I use Randy Johnson, Jared Wright, Johnny Damon as a few examples. The Red Sox have picked up Josh Beckett, Coco Crisp, Wily Mo Pena not to mention the development of Jonathan Papelbon, Kevin Youkilis and they still have Lester and Hanson. Its clear to me that it seems for now the Sox are in great position for 5 years and the Yankees are gonna have to play a game of wait and see in whos availiable in the off season.
Why would you Yankee fans be worried though, right?