Oh my god...I'm agreeing with DJ! Doctors, lock me up in the room with the cushions!

Sicilian Babe, again you giving me the Sean Penn defense, to paraphrase TEAM AMERICA, where Derek Jeter dances with the children around fields of flowers and rivers of chocolate. But what about him as a player?

I do agree that he seems to always come in clutch in the playoffs, and I can't beat that down. I mean how can I and take myself seriously as a baseball fan? Besides, he's good defensively at Short Stop.

But besides that, and your love letter post how of he's happy, how he seems to like his manager, how he can bang two whores at once every week, how his spit can cure glucoma, or that his tear drops bring shame to Chuck Norris...what about him as a player?

If Jeter had been drafted by another team, lets say the Marlins....he would be respected by some fans, but people in general wouldn't remember him. "Jeder? or is it Jedah?" Let's compare stats:

Jeter: http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/players/stats?playerId=3246

A-Rod: http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/players/stats?playerId=3115

Fact is, A-Rod at this rate will be a Hall of Famer, and who knows, maybe a distant good chance of beating Aaron for the HR record.

A-Rod's problem is that he's just doesn't have it defensively at Third Base. He was a Gold Glove Short Stop before he was moved to 3B, since we all know that since Jeter's thee holy cock taste like thou strawberries, that Jeter would never be moved to 3B (and probably personal bias on the part of Torre). In fact, who was winning the Gold Gloves for the American League at SS before Jeter won the last two? A-Rod.

In fact, switch A-Rod and Jeter. Let's see if Mighty Cock can cut it on the hot corner. If he can, then I'll respect him more. Until then, I hate strawberries.

P.S. - Why is it that many Yankees fans act like fucking "Mark" fans in Pro Wrestling?