My personal feelings on the whole situation:

  • On A-Rod: So, A-Rod had a .071 average. I'm not going to defend him anymore. He cannot handle being in New York, he has lost his ability to be clutch, and he didn't come up big when the team needed him to. Then again, neither did anyone else. I say move him in the offseason - rumours abound from being traded to Florida for Dontrelle Willis (yes) to even Los Angeles either to the Dodgers or the Angels. Make the deal. Find a way around his no-trade clause.
  • On the Yankees Lineup: With the exceptions of the first three hitters (Damon, Jeter, and Abreu), the Murderer's Row + Cano looked like a poorly coached Little League team. Granted, I think that the Yankees got a terrible strike zone throughout this series, and some questionable calls on the basepaths, but irregardless, this lineup died. Save for the aforementioned first three, too many Yankees had no strategy at the plate - nobody tried smallball, everyone tried to swing for the fences, and it was an exercise in futility. Which brings me to my next point...
  • Joe Torre: Fire him. Yes. I said it. I've defended him numerous times in threads here, I think he's one of the best managers of all-time, but he doesn't have "it" anymore. Throughout the season I have questioned his decisions regarding leaving pitchers in, and his lineup. I would have benched A-Rod after Game 2 of this series, and played Sheffield @ 3rd. Could it have been any worse? Furthermore, this team, as abovementioned, had no strategy at the plate. No one tried smallball, line-drives, hit-and-runs, it was all swinging with flaccid penises towards the fences which made easy 1-2-3 innings for the Tigers pitchers, making Jim Leyland look like a genius. This team had no fire...questionable calls from umpires weren't challenged, there wasn't any direction from Torre. I understand he is one of the more passive managers in the league, but he was watching his ship sink yesterday with his normal smirk from the bench. The Yankees deserved to lose because none of them played like they wanted to win. An example of a team going through the motions.
  • On the Managerial Prospects: Bringing in Lou Piniella would be a mistake. He did nothing with the Devil Rays, and granted, they were a bad team, but he is not necessarily what the Yankees need for a head coach. I grant you that we need a less-passive manager, someone with fire to light these players up and just as much bench them when they play poorly. If I were Steinbrenner, I'd promote Lee Mazzilli to head coach; he has shown that he's got some balls in the past and is willing to light a fire under his players. Mattingly would be a decent choice, but I don't feel he is ready to coach. I don't want that asshole Buck Showalter who just lost his job with the Texans. I say, promote from within - let Mazzilli handle the team. Pena and Bowa are also excellent managers with experience, far better candidates than anyone else out there. I'd even like to see Joe Girardi come back, though I'm not sure whether I'd move him to manager.
  • On the Offseason: The Yankees can either pay Jaret Wright $4 million to go away or $7 million to stay. Let's give him his walking papers. Trade A-Rod, get a solid starting pitcher. Re-sign Mussina. Move Matsui to the DH position, play Melky Cabrera in LF. Giambi is the everyday 1st baseman. Get rid of Carl Pavano. Get rid of Randy Johnson. Promote Philip Hughes from the minors. Sign Daisuke Matsuzaka from the Seibu Lions. Try to keep Bernie and Sheffield, if possible, but don't object to losing Sheffield. Consider moving Giambi for a better fielding first baseman, possibly in trade with A-Rod (A-Rod + Giambi for Pujols? Obviously fantasy, but still...)

Yankees lineup could look like this:

+ Trade/FA

Starting Pitching
Chien-Ming Wang
Daisuke Matsuzaka +
Mike Mussina
Philip Hughes
Dontrelle Willis +

1st Base: Albert Pujols +
2nd Base: Robinson Cano
3rd Base: ?
Shortstop: Derek Jeter
Left Field: Melky Cabrera
Center Field: Johnny Damon
Right Field: Bobby Abreu
Designated Hitter: Hideki Matsui