Originally posted by M.M. Floors:
...WIthout them you miss a lot.
Though the deleted scenes are delightful to watch, except for a very few (like the "What about Sonny, what about Sicily?" moment between Michael & Vito) their omission does not cause us to miss much from the overall story. Just think of how many more deleted scenes there are that didn't even make it into the Saga???

Bottom line is, had these never been added to a Novel for Television, we really wouldn't know or care what we were missing. Yet, I can't think of any scenes from the original films that could have been omitted.

We all know - or should know - that due to time restraints in final editing the film, FFC had to cut what are now known as the 'deleted scenes'. If they hadn't hit the cutting room floor, then some of the scenes that remained in the film would have. Coppola had to make the tough choices.

If anyone on this board had been involved in that final editing process, please let me know if there are any of the deleted scenes that you would trade off for ones that made the film.


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.