Torre should NOT be fired. He has brought the team to the world series 6 times, winning 4 of them. And he's brought his team into the playoffs every year that he's been there. 11 years I believe.

The man was in a NO WIN situation this year. Had he sat Matsui and Sheff, and the Yankees would have lost, they'd be calling for his head. So he played Sheff and Matsui, and they lost, and they are calling for his head anyway.

My beef with Torre is that he does NOT manage small ball. He sits back and relies on the long ball everytime he has runners on base. He needs to manufacture runs once in a while instead of always relying on the longball. He needs a Don Zimmer type bench coach back by his side.

The bench is dead. Watching those games, whenever the camera would scan the dugout, you'd see everyone just sitting there. No spunk, no commoraderie and absolutely no hunger.

It surprises me that some of the Yankee fans and sports writers are so bitter about the team getting knocked off that they've even went as far as blaming Derek Jeter for not supporting Arod!! That's outrageous!

11 trips to the playoffs, 6 times in the World Series walking away with 4 of those 6 world series titles under Torre!!! Spoiled fans. That's exactly what many, not all, but many Yankee fans are. Spoiled.

They tell me that Willie Randolph is going to bring the Mets to the playoffs for the next ten years with six trips into the world series, I sign the contract now.

Don Cardi

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.