Originally posted by Beth E:
[quote]Originally posted by J Geoff:
[b] [quote]Originally posted (elsewhere) by ginaitaliangirl:
[b]Next time you snoop around the ladies' thread, don't be shy. Tell us what you think of A-Rod from a fantasy viewpoint...and I don't mean Baseball Challenge.
Lemme hear from the chicks -- who do y'all like better ("from a fantasy viewpoint...and I don't mean Baseball Challenge") -- A-Rod or Jeter? [/b][/quote]SB will probably say, "Why not both".

[/b][/quote]Oh, God, the mere thought put me in such a tizzy that I was incapable of even typing!!

If I had to pick just one, I think I would have to go with Derek Jeter. Although ARod is immensely hot, there's something about Jeter that just gets me. Maybe because he's always been a Yankee. And he's got a great butt.
Btw, I'm so mad that I missed his grand slam yesterday!!