You're so right, Zia. It's different here. I like it better in here, because we all get along.
Thank you, thank you. As I said, it's just so cool to hear such positive and kind things from other fans, because some people can be pretty nasty, and y'all have just been great.
I told my friend on the phone today (one of
many phone calls throughout and after the game) that she didn't need weed...all she needs is the Astros to get a high.

(She doesn't do drugs, actually...don't worry! All in jest.

) Really, though, it was a crazy game, and I've just been sort of floating ever since. Everytime I see replays, pictures, and articles, it's just surreal.
A guy in my Calculus class was just griping about Clemens on Friday, so maybe I'll tease him about Roger's sac bunt in his pinch-hit appearance and great shutout innings of relief - definite redemption there. But even better, I still remember a game a while back that I watched at my friend's birthday party, and during it, two of my friends were making fun of Ausmus about how he never gets hits, and how he "sucks," so I can't wait to ask them if they think his homer to tie it up in the bottom of the ninth was clutch enough for 'em.

I'm not one for rubbing things in people's faces, and I probably still won't for fear of a jinx (I'm way too superstitious), but it's nice to serve up crow every so often.