Thanks to all of my lady (and non-lady!) friends for being so sweet about the Astros and for saying such kind words. I love having this thread to talk baseball with such wonderful people!
Zia: Thanks! Oh, I hope they can go all the way, but I think that just getting where we are now is huge. It's just crazy to think about how historical this is.
CS: Thanks!
Originally posted by Don Sicilia:
Good thing I don't root for the Chi-Sox because I don't know if I can misspell Konerko!
[b]Go Conerrkho! Go Conerrkho! Go Conerrkho![/b]
This made my day.

Thank you so much for that. So, who
are ya rooting for? I have a Band friend who lived in Chicago until he was about three or four, and he's been teasing me constantly about how he'll be rooting for the Sox, even though he likes the Astros.
And, apparently he found two socks in the Band room today (there's always clothes everywhere due to marching practice), and he had them hanging on my locker until my cousin took them down...white socks...see?
Bethie: Thank you for the congrats and the sweet article! I didn't notice any innuendo in your post, though.

I really am proud of my Willy, though. How lucky and exciting for him to be in the WS his
first season when Biggio had to wait
SB: Thank you so much. You're one of my favorite Yankee fans (besides Geoff!) because you're always such a good sport, so kind, and so supportive. I'm glad to have Roger and Andy, but I know that NY will always have a special place in their heart.