Originally posted by Letizia B.:
So Gigi, you actually hear the accent and don't think it's just normal... so I'm assuming you don't have the same accent?
Ooh, good question.
I think I definitely have
some kind of an accent, because I've had friends tell me that. If anything distinct, it'd definitely be Texan/country. I say "y'all" all the time, and I think nothing of it. I don't have a huge drawl like Oswalt does, but I probably have sounded like Andy at one point or another. I think it varies - like, sometimes it'll show up, then other times, it's just normal...if that makes sense.

One of my good friends sounds more "country" than me, and all the time, so I'm always teasing her about it. And now that I've thought about this so much, I'm confused, because I can't really describe how I sound...and I'm not really sure I know.
It's a very curious subject, though. I love people who have accents. My other friend and I always tease this guy friend of ours about his accent. He's hispanic, and while he always has that sound to his voice, every so often, the accent will just be really obvious. For example, he's always talking about the Yankees, but sometimes it'll come out sounding like "Jan-kees."

We always try to imitate it, then he gets embarassed, but he knows we only do it out of love.

Imitation is the highest form of flattery, after all. And then the friend that imitates him with me, one of my best friends, has
the most distinct voice ever. I've probably come to recognize it well, because I'm so close to her, but she couldn't pull a prank phone call if her life depended on it - everyone knows it's her.